Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A strong finish to an up and down week

yeah! I solved all the software problems, the last one being an annoying "aero peek" option in windows 7 themes that is on by default. if you dont know what it is, it can drive you crazy.. what happens is when you move your mouse unknowingly past the right corner of your screen.. the focus is taken off your active window.

Turn it off by right clicking in the bottom right corner pane, next to the time.

Things are going along much much smoother, and im twelve tabling the .01/02 games on fulltilt.
It takes forever to make any money at these, cause even if you play almost perfectly (assuming 95 percent of the players are loose passive),, most of them are too tight by the river to call anything of value.

so now i make the big jump to the next buy in.. 2 NL.  I think ill stay there for a while.. 50k hands, and see how it goes.  I will either 9 table or 12 table, depending on how the games play.

The software I ended up using for poker, is holdem manager and tableninja. they make playing and reviewing hands so much easier.  I can assume a very comfortable position in my chair , and make minimum mouse movements to use my thinking time the most in tougher spots.  Im keeping all my decisions really easy..
basically raise until they fight back, or I have the nuts.. then all in. It will be interesting to get a large 2nl sample of hands to see if I can be as comfortable in that game.
Im starting each session with 45 minutes or so of study.  now im studying milwauki 2 videos at 100 nl, to prepare my self for tougher decisions as I move up in stakes.

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